Our Mission

The mission of LGB benelux is to unite all LGB people who do not agree or support certain aspects of the global communities out there.

Key definitions

  • Homosexuality : Homosexuality is the attraction towards the same sex. This emotionaly and sexualy. Although it comes in many forms and flavours we can understand 3 basic groups within.


  • Gay : Biological men who are attracted towards other biological men


  • Lesbian : Biological women who are attracted towards other biological women


  • Bisexuals : Biological men or woman who are attracted towards other biological men or women.

Then we have the Heterosexuals , who are not part of the LGB circle but is on itself a sexuality not unlike Homosexuality. Within the heterosexuals we can also see many forms & flavours.

  • Transsexuals
  • Biological men or women who suffer from gender dysphoria and undergo a social , physical change towards the gender they aspire to be. This trough hormones & surgery which is a requirement to be transsexual.

We do not support :

  • Transgenders
  • Biological men or woman who identify as a diffirent gender and may suffer from gender dysphoria and may undergo hormonal or physical procedures , however this is not a requirement for transgenders. Hence the seperation between Transsexuals and Transgenders.


  • Transgender self id
  • It is enough to identify as something to be socialy and legally seen as such which presents great danger to the people around them. Seeing there is no benchmark to be considerd trans these days it leaves the door wide open for people with ill intentions.


  • Binary/non Binary/gender fluid
  • Again a part of the Self id movement within the TQ community whithout any safeguards or benchmarks to protect others.


  • Multiple gender theory : There are TWO genders
  • Male
  • Female


  • Mixed bathrooms & sports
  • We do not approve of biological men gaining access to female only facilities such as but not limited to : Toilets , Changing rooms , Sports.


  • Minors
  • Minors cannot consent to medical treatements and shouldnt be given puberty blockers or recieve any surgeries that will damage their fertility or body. There are no exceptions to this. If a person who is of age wishes to convert to a diffirent sex trough hormones and or surgery that is their basic right. Children cannot fully comprehend the complexity of such matters nor have the ability to understand the long term effects they might have.

What we do support :

  • Bathrooms M/F/X
  • We understand that certain transsexuals or even transgenders can feel uncomfortable in a bathroom for men or women. We are NOT opposed to transsexuals or transgenders having their own private bathroom and will advocate for it with our local and federal goverments to mandate this.


  • Sport Categories M/F/X
  • We understand that transsexual and transgender athlethes wish to compete competitively. However we do not approve that female sports or male sports get invaded by transgenders who have a real biological advantage versus their teammates or oposing athlethes. No ammount of hormones can undo advantages men have versus women. If a transgender athlete wishes to compete , it should be against other transgender athletes to safeguard fairness and protect themselves from any potential harm.

What about former LGB’s who transition?

There are two paths for this , either we believe they transition to their new gender and if they prefere the opposing gender they are straight. ( trans man & woman , trans woman & man , these would be heterosexual relationships and therefore not under the LGB umbrella ) , if they like the same sex of their new gender we can put these people under Bisexual. Which would fall under LGB and there is no need to add the T then.

Any transgender who doesnt fully transition cannot be seen as the gender they aspire to be as they have not fully transitioned. And therefore if a trans women likes women and doesnt fully transition he is NOT a lesbian trans woman but a straight man. Same applies for trans men.

Any alleged(not fully transitioned) lesbian trans woman gaining access to lesbian facilities and dating apps.

Any alleged(not fully transitioned) trans woman/man gaining access to female facilities & sports. This also includes correctional facilities.

Forcing people to change speech to accomadate pronouns , your rights end where another begins and it is not a hatecrime.