This is a message to all homosexuals, male or female.

It is time we separate our movement from the TQ movement. Not only is the TQ movement inherently homophobic, it is causing irreparable damage to the cause we support. Why, you ask? Let me explain.

Gender Affirming care for children.

Not only is gender-affirming care for children harmful, as the cass report suggested, but using medication with side effects that have yet to be thoroughly investigated. It has also been observed through various studies, including research conducted by the University of Groningen, that over a span of 15 years, the ‘transgender feelings’ experienced by children tend to diminish as they enter puberty. It can be argued that puberty plays a crucial role in addressing gender dysphoria in children. Intervening with puberty blockers could potentially interfere with this natural process and result in more individuals identifying as transgender than what may actually be the case.

We don’t advocate that trans adults cannot convert; we will continue to support people to cure their gender dysphoria, however, not at the expense of others. Something the LGB community never wanted and to this day should not want. Let children be children, as indicated by a recent study by psychologists in the Netherlands.

Adult trans

I want to express my admiration and support for those courageous individuals who have successfully addressed their gender dysphoria as transsexuals. Now, the question arises: how do we distinguish between genuinely transgender individuals and those who adopt a self-identification or harmful ideology? I believe that having clear benchmarks is the key to ensuring authenticity. In my view, individuals who have completed a full transition, including both top and bottom surgeries, are true transsexuals. They have taken significant steps to alleviate their gender dysphoria and should not face ridicule, harassment, or discrimination.

Having a fully transitioned trans woman in a female bathroom should pose low to no risk to the actual woman. Having a man in there thinking he’s a woman with working equipment, only idiots cannot see that that might be a HUGE issue for biological women and even for fully transitioned trans women.

Having heterosexual individuals on lesbian or gay dating apps and expecting genuine lesbians or gay individuals to engage with them romantically is not in line with the principles of the LGB+ movement. This behavior undermines the community rather than supporting it. It is essential to stand against the TQ ideology and defend both transgender individuals and our fellow LGB community members. This opposition is not based on transphobia but on advocating for the integrity of our respective communities and beliefs.


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