Dear readers ,

I came across an interesting tweet from a fellow Dutch LGB person. I wanted to share this tweet with you as it contains a video that makes a lot of sense.

The chicken or the egg.

In this video, an unknown sexologist starts by describing the feeling some, if not all, LGB people had when growing up and not fitting in with their peers, especially not with their gender and either being too feminine or too masculine in comparison. With its limited understanding of the world around it and themselves, a child can perceive that as being stuck in the wrong body.

The Neutralizer

He goes on to say if these children, who might feel they are the opposite gender due to their sexuality, go into puberty and their sex drive is activated, it changes everything. Those thoughts will most likely change into same-gender attraction when he, so majestically put it, if the gym teacher is hot.

The Blockage

When these children are subjected to harmful puberty blockers (see cass-report), their sex drive is canceled, and they remain in their prepubescent frame of mind. Thinking they are the wrong gender causes mental instability as puberty’s primary purpose is to mature the brain, mature the sexual organs, and create a sex drive.

He says they predicted this years ago and never acted upon it. We are seeing an entire generation mutilated, drugged, and intentionally kept underdeveloped mentally.

So I ask my fellow LGB comrades, will you remain silent as an entire generation is zombified? Their most essential reason for being stripped away in the name of inclusion, tolerance, and acceptance?

Do not allow this farce to continue in your name; join your fellow LGB in fighting the TQ madness that is spreading upon this fine world like an oil spill and polluting the very essence of young people and eradicating your fellow LGB to allow some spicy straights with an LGB fetish?

#LGBwithouttheTQ & #LGBwithouttheT


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