Here is the letter James made, which is signed by many academics and influential people. It is about time the pushback came from all sides, not only those trying to preserve our LGB rights and legacies.

The letter :

Dear Prime Minister,

We are a group of concerned citizens from [various] backgrounds and professions.

We are gravely concerned about the harm, both physical and emotional, caused to children in the name of gender identity ideology. That is the notion that everyone has a ‘gender identity’ that may differ from and override, their birth sex.

Some schools teach gender identity ideology to pupils as if it were fact, often to the exclusion or denial of biological reality. This includes teaching children that it is possible to be born in the wrong body, thereby encouraging vulnerable children to seek powerful medical treatment on ideological rather than scientific grounds. Those most at risk are children who do not conform to traditional sex stereotypes. Evidence shows that, in fact, the vast majority are sexually attracted to people of the same sex.

Medical interventions known as ‘gender-affirming transition’ have been revealed as a major medical scandal. Whistleblowers in this field have been vindicated by recent events, such as the final report of the independent Cass Review, the NHS decision to halt the prescription of puberty blockers, the closure of the GIDS gender clinic at the Tavistock, and the revelations contained within the WPATH files, among other things.

Encouraging confused and vulnerable children to transition, socially or medically, including with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, has caused irreversible developmental issues, physiological damage (such as loss of bone density, infertility and sexual dysfunction) and significant social and relational harms. This has already had a direct and lifelong impact on child development, the true extent of which is [currently unknown].

We believe this is a major scandal that requires a Public Inquiry. This should consider the extent to which State and non-state institutions have failed in their duty of care by supporting, encouraging, or facilitating a model of ‘gender-affirming transition’ towards children who believe they are transgender.

Such an Inquiry will need to consider how this was allowed to happen, the impact on the children and their families, and make recommendations [on protecting] other children from harm.

The scope of an Inquiry must include all institutions complicit in this harm, including government departments, the NHS, private gender clinics, mental health bodies, schools, LGBTQ+’ campaign groups, broadcast and print media (particularly the BBC), and private corporations.

Crucially, an Inquiry will [be able] to compel institutions to provide evidence ([significant] given the withholding of [specific] data from the Cass Review).

The Inquiry will need to consider:

  • The causes behind the significant increase in children, particularly girls and those with (often suppressed) same-sex sexual orientation, believing themselves to be transgender and seeking to ‘transition’;
  • Depictions of ‘gender-affirming transition,’ including its glorification or promotion;
  • How and why gender identity ideology became embedded in the policies and practices of relevant institutions;
  • The evidence base of a ‘gender-affirming transition’ model and how this aligns or conflicts with medical and therapeutic best practices;
  • The influence of third-party organizations (including charities and campaign groups) on government, education, and health practitioners;
  • The clinical treatment offered to children includes, but [is] not limited to, social transition, puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and surgical procedures (or referrals for surgery). The basis on which such treatment was offered. The culture, practices, and ethics of such clinics;
  • The process of obtaining consent from these children and/or their parents (or guardians);
  • The risks associated and whether such risks were adequately communicated;
  • The comorbidities present, including autism spectrum disorder, and the impact of those on care and treatment;
  • The correlation with same-sex sexual orientation and the consideration given to this as part of care and treatment;
  • The facilitation and encouragement of children to ‘transition’ without their parents’ (or guardians’) knowledge;
  • The social transitioning of children within schools;
  • Follow-up of former patients, such as monitoring outcomes and offering support, including to those who experienced regret, harm, or ;[seek] to ‘detransition’;
  • The concerns raised by clinicians and whistleblowers and [how] such [matter] were handled; and Attempts to silence individuals (professionals, parents, and members of the public) who raised concerns about [the] harm being caused to children as a result of ‘gender-affirming transition,’ whether social or medical.

The pervasive influence of gender identity ideology has already caused [severe] harm to children. We ask that you establish this Public Inquiry as a matter of urgency. It should work expeditiously, with [a] clear focus on the key issues detailed above, to enable completion [promptly]. The future safety and well-being of our children depends on it.

Yours sincerely,


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The News report from The Telegraph :

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