We have been fighting the good fight for years now against the cult that we all know as the transgenders. Time after time we are proven right when groups like Pinknews are outed for perverted they truelly are. But nothing could prepare us for the foulest thing I have ever seen in my adult life. For those wondering, I’m 18 with 21 years experience, ergo 39.
Nothing so foul as the transgender cultists griefing a funeral page of a gay man who happened to oppose their Nazi like propaganda and ideology. Everyone should have been raised with a moderate of decorum when it is regarding the passing of another human life. Or one would assume as much.
This isn’t a left vs right thing, but rather a telling sign of the lack of morals and the pampering of a generation who I now see as fully lost to civilization. Whether you were raised Catholic, Christian, Protestant, Muslim, Orthodox, Jewish, there is always been a sense of decorum regarding the death of people. To quote a phrase we use where I live (Belgium) one does not speak ill of the deceased. And that is not because I was raised Roman Catholic, but rather because we are decent human beings who should respect each other in death if we were unable to do it while living.
Now enter an entire generation of backboneless, ungrateful, weak-minded people with mental issues, also referred to as the transgender cult. We would not even consider going to a funeral page of a troon and being disrespectful. I don’t consider this a weakness, but rather our strength as us LGB’s have a moral compass worth preserving and fighting for.
Here below are some of the posts they did. Utterly disgusting and disgraceful. But you be the judge of that!

As you can see these foul beings have no soul and there can be no redemption for creatures who are this immoral and evil. I used to be convinced there was a redemption arc somewhere. But i do not longer see it…..
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