As an American woman, I believe in equality regardless of gender identity, sexuality, or political or religious beliefs. We can respect one another even if we don’t respect each other’s beliefs. People should not discriminate against others for any of the above reasons! 

On the other hand, as a Christian woman, I feel sorry for those who suffer from gender dysphoria and pray they can one day accept themselves for who they are as the man or woman that God made them to be. However, adults are free to make their own decisions, and if transitioning is the “right” choice for them, I would never stop an adult from doing what they think is suitable for themselves in the land of the free. Everyone in this country has the same rights, and no one deserves more rights than another. Your feelings do not matter more than others’ rights!

Should transsexuals be allowed to use the women’s bathroom? 

As a woman, I honestly have no issue with REAL transsexuals, like Blaire White, sharing a bathroom with me. I understand that they are simply trying to live their authentic lives and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. These individuals obviously have gender dysphoria. Even those who are not as “pretty” as Blaire White or those who do not “pass” just yet, you can clearly see they have gender dysphoria, and they (make an) attempt to appear in the world as the opposite gender. Transsexual women also respect biological women. They listen to what women have to say and understand when a woman isn’t comfortable sharing a bathroom with them (especially when they don’t “pass” as a woman). They enter a female space with the same energy as the women around them. They have enough respect to understand they are asking to share OUR spaces. So, these individuals who genuinely suffer from gender dysphoria are welcome in my spaces (I don’t speak for all women, but I would never mind sharing the bathroom with a true transsexual). 

However, I cannot stand by and accept the presence of fake transgender individuals, often referred to as “Troons,” in women’s spaces. These individuals do not truly identify as transgender but instead use the label as a means to invade and disrupt safe spaces for women. The individuals in question seek power and control to assert dominance over others; this identity is merely a fetish for them, a perverted fantasy they can live out.

These fake transgender individuals exhibit disrespectful behavior and threats toward real transsexuals and women. They capitalize on the progress we’ve made and leverage it to advance their own agenda; this not only jeopardizes the safety and comfort of real transsexuals but also undermines the progress society has made regarding acceptance and understanding of not just transsexuals but also homosexuals. These Troons aren’t just harming the Ts of the LGBT community, but they are harming the LGBs, which is why the movement #LGBwithouttheTQ+ began. I am not against transsexuals; I’m against the “spicy” straights who call themselves queer and the trenders who call themselves trans. All these people want is a place to belong. They use these “identities” as personality traits to feel special. The community has been hijacked and has become a homophobic cult filled with individuals afraid to go against the group, and they “bully” homosexuals who dare think differently.  

It is essential to distinguish real transsexuals from the trenders who are exploiting the system for their own ulterior motives.

Let’s continue to advocate for true equality and understanding while denouncing those who seek to manipulate and deceive.


~ Jessy Lynn


And remember, disagreement doesn’t equate to hate. Let’s have these HARD discussions! The only thing that can unify us again is Open Discussion!

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