Dear Tra cultists & allies,

Day after day, I see you on Twitter screaming murder and fire, demanding rights and privileges no others have on the face of the planet. You demand it, and if it’s not met, it’s blatant transphobia. Well, it’s not. The world is getting sick and tired of your constant whining, your constant accusations of transphobia to all who disagree with your religious genders & transgenderism.

I advise you to take a page from the old LGB playbook: the people you latched on to and are draining dry like a good succubus.

When there were no safe spaces for LGB, we created our own. Private gay & lesbian bars with a bouncer in front to keep the spicy straights out the police at bay and be a safe environment for our LGBs to have a good time ( mostly sex ngl ).

But it worked flawlessly, and through activism and political support, we were able over decades to overcome the hardships the aids genocide brought with it. And yes, I can call that a genocide, as it wiped out the majority of gays over decades. Please make your own safe spaces and pay for them yourself.

It is not the burden of society to pay for your “special” rights.

  • Do you want safe toilet facilities? BUILD THEM and pay for them.
  • Do you want safe sports facilities & leagues? BUILD THEM and pay for them
  • Do you want safe medical facilities for transitioning? BUILD THEM and pay for them (assuming they don’t become illegal)
  • Do you want to enforce speech upon others? Make your society and or country.

If you are unwilling to do either of these things, shut the hell up and cope. The LGB did for decades, and we got our rights, and we got our safe spaces you are invading, making them, in turn, unsafe again by inviting spicy straights to them.

If you do all these things, I’m sure all the Transphobes will melt away like snow on a fine spring day.

With regards,


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